My heartfelt tribute to my mum late Ganga Devi Upadhyaya on the day of annual Shraddha ritual on Tritiya Tithi Yesterday. I am regularly following this tradition (performing Shraddha each and every year) since the passing away of my mother three decades ago when I had just entered my teenage life. I could not imagine my life without my mother in those days (will I survive in her absence? used to be the question inside my heart, though I could not express such feeling openly fearing that the society would consider me a a weakest of the weak- a coward). But time passes, people live and life goes- but in a different way changing the life style completely in the absence of mother, who is the creator- more than God for every person.
Every mother is special to their children. But my mother was specially special and different from others- for me. First, the credit goes to my mother for all the positive things I have learnt and achieved today. Her emphasis on education was immense, far reaching and deep. She instructed me to read religious scriptures Durga, Chandi and later Bhagwat and Veda. I still remember that she had inculcated me the habit of reading these books- at least one every morning chanting clearly before I eat anything. I exactly do not know when I started this but it must be when I was around 7/8 years old- long before my Bratabandha ceremony. That helped me a lot to develop the habits of reading books.
Secondly, she always said 'never do anything wrong, bad with the intention of harming others even if it benefits you personally.' Living a life of value was certainly an exemplary instruction of my mother. That helped me to lead that way of life- which I think is extremely positive to be fair, live a life without prejudice and with justice and equality and thinking the underprivileged that makes us humble all time.
Another important lesson I learnt from my mother was that simplicity is the best way. ''Look none is happy even if they are rich and have got everything because they have not lived a moral life and hungry for everything- material wealth all the time.'' That impressed me very much when I started to understand life later after she passed away. Despite not being able to get any formal education, she always thought that education is extremely important in life and always stressed us on that point. Though I believed without understanding, I now understand it clearly and she is absolutely right.
Now looking back, I remember how impressive were those words- the amulet of my creator- always chanting like a delicious music in my head and reminding me those important issues of life which I think has significance even today- even if I am living in a very completely different age and environment today compared to my mother' day circumstances and environment.
It is not necessary to be Mother Teressa and all cannot be like her as their influence is limited to only family, society and specific country. But many mothers are more than Mother Teressa to some extent and definitely my mother was one of them- if not for the wider society - it was definitely for me. I have a completely different feelings about mother, the creator, as they can never be wrong to their children. Though the circumstances is completely different today in the place where I live, I still believe that mother is always the mother and cannot be replaced by any other except mother.
Tribute to my mother on this annual Shraddha day!
May your soul rest in peace!
May you be eternally blessed!